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Traditional Book Publisher Launches Imprintos, a Business Imprint for Leaders and Executives

Kharis Publishing Group, a leading inspirational and faith publisher, has just launched a business imprint devoted to publishing and distributing business, leadership, and self-help books. The new imprint is aptly called Imprintos and has its own separate website at

What is Imprintos?


According to editors at Kharis Publishing, Imprintos operates a traditional book publishing model like the parent publishing house. Right from the start, the business imprint is tailored to meet the publishing needs of leaders, executives, and influencers who want to publish their books, amplify their message and document their legacy without the hassles and bottlenecks associated with the large chain publishers. Imprintos provides a streamlined and all-in-one publishing solution that gives new and established authors the benefits of traditional book publishing combined with the speed and efficiency of modern print-on-demand technology. It is designed to adapt and meet the goals of individual leaders quickly and efficiently.

Why Imprintos?

As most leaders will admit, time is an unbelievably valuable commodity and precisely one thing of which every leader wishes that she has more. Due to time constraints, most leaders who would have loved to publish their stories are not able to do so. Anyone who has ever published a book knows that the publishing process is a long and tedious one. It is for this reason that Imprintos was designed to make acquisition, editorial manuscript preparation, publishing, and distribution easier for busy executives. The acquisition process begins with a simple query online through their website. After which an editor would request for detailed proposal if they were interested in the book project. Once a decision is made to acquire the manuscript, the team at Imprintos takes care of everything else from then on – from professional editing, colored cover designs, ISBN assignment, copyright registration, and cataloging with the Library of Congress, distribution locally and internationally, and marketing. In short, Imprintos provides all the main benefits of traditional book publishing, including a generous royalty rate paid out to authors. Interested authors may check out more details about Imprintos and their submission guidelines at

Perhaps, one of the main advantages of publishing with Imprintos is that they offer a branding and promotional package inclusive in all acquisitions. Imprintos has a national public relations (PR) agency on retainer. All new authors are assigned to this PR agent to help them with promoting their book and brand development. This includes media placements through TV, radio, podcast, and print media. According to Prof. E. U. Francis, Managing Editor, “Our PR offering is an important part of our corporate strategy to assist authors to grow their brand and get their message out effectively. While there are no guarantees, the opportunity to work with an established PR agency, at no cost to the author, is an important distinction about Imprintos and demonstrates our commitment to the leaders we represent.”

Though a relatively new imprint, Imprintos is part of a rich heritage of editorial success and social service which Kharis Publishing has pioneered over the years. Kharis Publishing group donates a portion of Publisher’s proceeds to establish resource centers and mini-libraries for orphanages in developing countries, so that these kids may learn to read, dream, and grow. Being a subsidiary of Kharis Publishing group, Imprintos would also donate a portion of its proceeds to support the literacy initiative. By merely choosing to publish with Imprintos, authors are helping support and equip these orphans with literacy tools as well. To learn more about their orphanage literacy initiatives,


Finally, Imprintos welcomes queries from established as well as new authors. For a limited time, they are accepting unsolicited queries (agented or un-agented) for nonfiction – leadership, business, self-help, memoirs, health, and wellness.  Queries are accepted only through their online query submission tool at Their editorial office, like most traditional publishers, discourages direct email or phone calls to individual editors without going through the query submission tool.


  • Anthony Villett
    Posted September 13, 2024 at 9:00 am

    The publisher/literary agent.

    Re: Book Proposal Omnipotent Truths. Religion. Word Count 57129.

    To whom it may concern.
    I have a collection of religious articles at my disposal, which I would like to submit for possible publication. Christianity is a global subject. I feel like I have very potent materials that should sell well if marketed intelligently in the mass market environment. My articles should appeal to the masses because of their meaningful titles. It might also be worth considering posting online on a one-to-one basis to generate more income. My audience is Christians between the ages of 17 and upwards. The reason why the public will be attracted to my book is that titles with good spiritual content sell well period. Christians are always thirsty for religious content that provides quality spiritual food. My book/articles will provide this and more.

    I am a first-time author. Hope to build a good relationship with you. I have attached three specimens for your serious consideration. Additionally, I have included previews of all my literary works. I have bolded an explanation of why I believe each of my items has individual mass-market potential.

    Please check the scope of my work in my overview. If you are offering financial services or a partnership association, you should not respond. Cordially,

    Mr. Anthony Villett. Call/Whatsup: +27812576780

    Ps: Attached is my full manuscript for your sincere scrutiny.

    Short Bio

    Anthony Villett started writing at the tender age of 22. Listening attentively to the word of God and reading the scriptures, formed an invaluable base for all my spiritual articles.

    I have wrestled with our creator to show me what my gift was. I was driven by instinct for I had to find my place in this world. When I started off writing spiritual articles, I got hooked. I knew that I would be totally dependent on my past experiences, which wasn’t mostly pleasant, to bring out the best in all my writings. I would turn to the main spring the Holy Spirit, for the fine-tuning of all my works, which in turn catered for the Godly wisdom and the spiritual foresight. I do this so that when my articles are read, that they may spiritually ‘light up’ and burn the hearts of those that read them. Writing is my route out of poverty. If I have enriched one soul spiritually, then my life would never have been in vain. I endeavour to live with the Bible next to my bed. Through each of my writings God only compliments Himself. Salomon asked for wisdom. I asked for foresight so that wisdom will never elude me. My grave will one day be empty, it will only hold my bones, but you my dear reader will be the custodians of the precious gift that God has bestowed on me, coupled with an invaluable portion of the extinguished light, which will always live within me.

    The Author cannot say good things about him, good things must come from others and the blessing must come from God. May my mother’s credo; “The love you have for your own is natural, but the love you have for others comes from God”, forever be cherished by the reader.

    Full Preview: Omnipotent’s Truth’s.

    Want Instant Healing Meet God Halfway. (Included)
    Every sick person could be healed in this vast world should they humbly meet God halfway. They only need to follow God’s spiritual recipe in order to obtain true healing. It doesn’t matter what denomination you belong to, or if you’re a Moslem, Hindu, Jew, Christian, you will be healed without a shred of a doubt. Healing is for all irrespective of their religious background-and it is totally free. Come to Dr. Jesus first! This article is for the billions whose spiritual attitude towards God will, will be correctly aligned should healing be required forever.

    Voting To Instantly Lose Your Soul. (Included)
    If you have voted or are going to vote in any election globally, you stand to lose your soul salvation instantly guaranteed. At present human society are governed by leaders that are spiritually blind. When implementing their constitutions, they fail to see the spiritual implications it might have on all religious sectors of society. Guaranteed, trillions will never ever vote again after reading this article. This article does not need any famous author to boost its ratings. It has the instant ability to do itself proud.

    Accountable For Sin after Death. (Included)
    Your soul will remain earthbound if you leave large sums of money for your dearest family members, when they are drug or alcohol abusers or sinful in the worst degree. This article point out the terrible devastation that your monies will cause long after you’re gone. If you knew whilst you were alive, that some of your family members were addicted to drugs or alcohol, but proceeded to leave them large sums of money, you will be wholly responsible for setting off a time bomb? Whilst the money you left behind mains and cause their deaths through overdose etc, will also be the time period that your soul will be earthbound and unable to move on. This article will draw the attention of millions of Christians who intend leaving their siblings monies as an ‘innocent’ inheritance.

    Your Dying Sickbed Your Eternal Blessing.
    Not many are fortunate to pass away after a lengthy sickbed. God might appear to be cruel when someone who had served Him faithfully for decades, dies after suffering for so long. This article points out why the pain and suffering was necessary in some cases. Whilst a soul is defiled, it has to be cleansed and purified at all cost, before it will be allowed to enter heaven. If the Lord has favoured you, but you have a sinful eye, expect your soul to be purified before your passing, even if sickness should be introduced to benefit your soul for all eternity! Millions of Christians would be dying to learn the lesson and comfort that this article will render.

    No Immediate Heaven After Death.
    Some Christians are of the sincere impression that they are going to heaven immediately after they die. That same Christians unfortunately believe in the Day of Judgment. Why would ‘those’ Christians who find themselves in heaven and ‘sin free’ after death, also have to avail them on judgment day? Certainly those in heaven are free of sin. To avail them for judgment would question if they were in deed in heaven after death? Did Jesus lie when he said He would fetch us to Himself when He returns? Whom is Jesus coming to fetch, when we are supposed to go straight to heaven or hell after death as some vehemently claims? This article although controversial will draw billions who would want to explore its spiritual merit.

    Discipline A Heavenly Blessing.
    Discipline comes from the throne of Grace and therefore is a direct first fruit of the Holy Spirit. The above explains why discipline is a Holy Act. If you discipline your child, your child will make fruitful decisions in life. To discipline is the constitutional obligation of each parent. This article will also serve as a great gift for all young parents for generations to come.

    Parents Must Bless Their Children Urgently.
    Parents must not shy away from blessing their children during their earthly existence. In the bible we encounter that many of God’s followers were blessed abundantly in whatever they did, all because their natural fathers took the liberty to bless them. In today’s time, a blessing must be executed under the umbrella of the Holy Spirit. God will never forsake a blessing that comes from a sincere heart. Millions of parents will take an interest in this article and will make it their number one priority to bless their children before their passing.

    Standing In The Way Of God.
    The Lord wants to punish the offender, but his natural parents keeps coming to his rescue, thus preventing God from executing His own punishment. Most parents do this unwittingly through their love for their own children. They put bread on the table for their married siblings. They open their doors and provide shelter (comfort), whilst their own grandchildren are suffering and starving because of their blind interference. This article will change any parent’s attitude towards their own children forever, should they foolishly falter. It would serve as an early eye-opener and warning, which will indicate that their doors will remain closed whenever their siblings are at fault. This is article is definitely a must for every parent to give to their children as a special gift whilst they are still under their care.

    Eternal Foundation Laid By God.
    Many denominations lay claim that the foundation of their church was indeed laid by God. God is not divided so why is there so many denominations serving him differently? Why the different Christian churches when Jesus laid the foundation for only one? Your soul salvation is at stake! Every Christian’s number one priority is their ‘soul salvation’. They would want to investigate the merit of this article in their millions.

    Your Spiritual Mirror Betrays Your Eternal Destiny.
    One must constantly be on the alert that although unseen to the naked eye, everyone has his or her own spiritual mirror. They cannot avoid the picture that it will one day reveal. Every human being has his or her own spiritual mirror. Millions would be curious to know what their spiritual mirror will one day reveal.

    Stealing the Most Sacred Offering of God.
    A Crime was committed against God. His servant was asked to step down. The faithful servant was prohibited from performing any spiritual duties. God’s work suffered immensely as a result. Whoever threatens God’s most sacred offering, will one day have to face His personal wrath! Billions of Christians will respect their local priest even more after reading this article.

    The Right Choice the Right Life The Right Love.
    It is not always easy to find your true partner in this life. Mistakes are unavoidable, and so are the accumulated problems that follow this. If you’re obedient and you take to heart what those with foresight tells you, you will become a success story in your lifetime instantly guaranteed. The above will serve as a very informative article for the millions of youths who are still undecided. Parents would want their children to read this article. It provides some solutions of escaping the difficulties of life, and to avoid choosing the wrong partner.

    Seek Healing Elsewhere.
    Healing is Gods free gift to anyone irrespective of their religious background. If you are terminally ill, you may pursue true healing outside the borders of your present faith without having to convert. If you’re a Moslem, Hindu or Christian, you will be healed without being forced to convert. It is never the healer’s choice whom they prefer to heal? You demons will be forced to vacate as bonus. Healing and the eradication of demons automatically attract the attention of millions.

    Reincarnation Phoney or Baloney.
    If we are going to be reunited with the ‘Godhead’ after undergoing multiple rebirths as is the philosophy of reincarnation, the brutal sacrifice of our Lord and Master Christ Jesus would have been in vain. Jesus promised to fetch us to himself so that we may be where he is with the Father. Certainly the latter cast instant doubt whether we are reincarnated after all? This proves that we cannot enter heaven by individual means such as through reincarnation? Why speak of soul salvation and not mention reincarnation. If reincarnation was indeed true, then this should have dominated the scriptures from beginning to end with out of a shred of a doubt? Reincarnation is a global subject. This article will attract the attention of the billions irrespective of their religious affiliation.

    Smoking Dominates and Defiles God’s Flock.
    Research has discovered that the average addict smoke well over 5000 cigarettes per annum. As innocent as a cigarette may seem, it dominates, demoralizes, defile and enslaves many of God’s fold. Smoking is highly addictive and extremely toxic. It generates no spiritual reward for God’s children. The bible says: “Man is a slave to that which has dominion over him”. Smoking dominates defiles, enslaves and renders God’s children unworthy. More quality time is spent smoking than with giving attention to God or His son Jesus. Billions shamefully take this ‘little devil’ into the Holy Place of the Lord Sunday after Sunday. It has sadly become more important than God. Billions will see smoking clearly as a sin after reading this article. Many will alter their bad habits, so that they will be found worthy on the day of the Lord.

    Hurt Others and Suffer A Worse Fate.
    God implements drastic measures to protect his own. If you hurt, or steal from those who fear and obey God, expect your life to be unfruitful. You hurt and the end result is you suffer also. What you put in is what you get out. Billions would want to read this article, because we all have hurt someone at some stage of our lives.

    Free Blessings And Earthly Wealth.
    Your blessing is automatic should you only do God’s will sincerely. Everyone that steps over the Masters toes will suffer immensely in this earthly life. God bestowed on every person a natural gift or talent. This He did so that we never need to suffer or be destitute. Once you are fully functioning in your God-given field, you will find happiness, abundance, wealth and you true place on this earth. If you successfully activate your natural gifts, you will never go hungry again. Millions would want to know how to obtain their free blessings and earthly wealth from God.

    Rotten Vows Putrid Love.
    Marriage vows are meant to last till death do us part. When one falls terminally ill, the other must step up to the plate and offer their undying support. Sometimes this burden is too heavy and the weaker one abandons their ill fated partner. God will call to account the one who lied under oath. If you are not true to your vows, God will never trust you again. Millions will change their attitude towards their terminally ill partners.
    Unholy Sabbath. The Sabbath is the day of the holies of holies. It is every Christian’s duty to ensure that they and their families does not violate the Sabbath day in any way. Billions who are spiritually blind commits offence after offence on this great day without realizing this. The deceived smoke and drink and indulge in all sort of evil practices on the Sabbath day. They are inviting the wrath of God upon them and their family. God shall never fail to hold them accountable.
    The Echo In Gods Voice.
    God uses an ancient way of communicating to mankind. It is very efficient and extremely effective. The echo of Gods voice ricochet’s off the cliffs of his heavenly kingdom to warn, to guide, to comfort us his children. He councils he advises all through the echo of his Godly eternal voice. For those who listens everlasting peace awaits. For those who ignore his warnings damnation awaits.
    Reverse Your Generations Curse.. All who believe that they are cursed, and that they will get nowhere in life, because of their forefathers undoing. Every person has the power to reverse their own generations curse. If they uphold God’s commandments, obey and serve Him righteously, the blessings of our Almighty God will accompany them forever. Their curse will be eliminated as a bonus. Their generation will be blameless in the eyes of God, who will not be able to hold anything against them. Thus their curse is lifted by their very own conduct.
    Activate Your Own Blessings. Learn the art of generating your own blessing whilst here on this earth. Learn how to live abundantly without being educated. God gave us all a gift or talent before our birth. If we are obedient to Gods laws we will be blessed throughout our earthly existence. Learn how to be triumphant over suffering and despair. Learn how to position yourself so that your conduct can generate enormous wealth and abundance for you and your whole clan. Learn how to stand up from the ashes and claim your price.
    Condemned By Your Very Own. Beware your siblings might blind sight you spiritually. You might overlook the sins they commit under your roof. This will seriously condemn you for all eternity as an ignorant parent. Be firm and teach good spiritual values early in life. Your very own will be careful to falter whilst under your guidance.
    Irrefutable Prove There Is A God. God create things that last for all eternity. Human beings cannot replicate what our superior God created without this fading into oblivion. The immortal signs of Gods existence are all over identifiable, from the sun to the moon, from the tiny ant to the mustard seed. Life-forces the scientist cannot replicate. All their best experiments will one day wither whilst Gods creation will outlasts us all.
    Difficult For God To Help.
    Many because of their sinful conduct make it difficult for God to help them in advance in this natural world. There is no natural advancement if there is no spiritual equilibrium to generate that advancement. God will only give an answer to your prayers and wishes, if your conduct is in accordance with the laws and principles laid down by Him within the scriptures. Those who benefit naturally and spiritually through advancement are those who are obedient to his commandments period.

    Faithful Is Good Truthful Is Excellent. Page 146-154.
    Is to teach us to be faithful and to be truthful above all else. To be truthful to yourself is a characteristic that God admires above all else

    Never Abandon Your Soul Salvation.
    When you are weak and your faith is tested to the utmost, you must never convert or give in. The Holy Spirit is the most important entity in every Christian’s life, if you abandon it or convert to other faiths; you turn your back on the only link towards eternal salvation forever.

    The Glory of God.
    We must be able to identify and see the glory of God in the smaller aspects that are hard for our human minds to grasp. We not only experiencing Gods full glory in action when the dead are raised or someone is being healed from their terminal illnesses. We have to look at indirect healing within a person, for example, the thieve who changes his ways, or the murderer who repent etc. It’s because of Gods glory that their lives have changed. We must identify with these changes in a person, from violent to humble, to becoming Gods messenger. It is the glory of God that has made this transition possible. This transformation is equal to a miracle performed on the sick etc.

    Redemption Obliterates Earthly Suffering.
    Those who want to end the cycle of suffering that has plague them and their families for generations. They now have the spiritual solution to turn matters around for the good for their entire generation. No matter what their previous generation has done, if they redeem them, God will end their suffering and send immediate relieve.

    Catastrophic Heroes.
    Those who teach our children that film, football or wrestling stars are their heroes. This article is to teach hind sighted parents that those who do Gods work, and who brave cold and rain and harsh weather, to testify in God’s vineyard, are our true heroes naturally as well as spiritually etc. This article is an attempt to open parent’s eyes, so that they should teach their children, not to embarrass them in front of God, by cheering for mere mortals who will decay with the flesh. Our legitimate heroes are God’s servants and those who serve Him period. Should children be thought early who their genuine heroes should be, they will focus on our heavenly examples exclusively. That will be their parents blessing. The secret is to carefully spiritually scrutinize those that the world wants to present to us as heroes.

    Lastly: I might have a strong approach to spirituality, but I am not attempting to impart this unto others. I only ask that you look at my work from a marketing perspective. I want to point out that many of the titles of my articles would instantly attract the buying public, who would want to explore their curiosity further in their millions. This will be the root cause why the sale of my book will escalate exponentially. I only hope that you will develop the foresight after examining my manuscript, to clearly see that my book indeed has mass market potential because of its contents. The buyer has the right to investigate any article whether negative or positive, and to make their own conclusions, which will not harm them in any way.

    Want Instant Healing Meet God Halfway!

    It’s not that easy to be healed if you are a habitual sinner terminally ill or severely handicapped etc. It’s not always a matter of believe for you to be healed when someone hold your hand, to pray over you for your ultimate healing. It’s all up to you and you alone! You can believe till your tongue hangs out, yet you still wont find any healing! On a positive note, God wants to heal everyone. Your attitude will determine if God will allow true healing to take place within your body, mind and soul.

    God through his son Jesus always heals, and is instantly ready to heal anyone. It is your attitude and your enslavement to sin that God detest. Healing is always instantly freely available. There is no price to pay for healing. If your heart is not right at the time when healing is to take place, you can forget that you will ever be healed. If you are the father of a son or daughter who is using drugs and alcohol excessively for example, would you provide them with monies to sustain their sinful habits? The answer is never, because you know that they will use ‘your’ monies to finance and sustain their sinful habits. For us to comprehend the full extend of healing and its implications, we must first be aware of the concerns our Heavenly Father has for our spiritual well-being. God does not tolerate sin in any degree as we humans do. God is the very opposite. He is very strict. No being in this vast universe, will retract from what they have promised under oath to our heavenly Father. They know the consequences of lying under oath to Him. Only one mistake returning to your sinful ways, and you will be instantly on your death or sickbed permanently. No one that does not follow through with being faithful, after making an oath whilst on their sickbed, will be rendered sick in an instant. If this happens, the probability that they will be healed yet again is nearly impossible. By professing an oath, will ensure that you will have to force yourself to keep the promises you’ve made whilst you were terminally ill. I assure you in advance God has already healed you, but your habitual sinful thoughts and conduct prohibit your own true healing. A sensible father will never give his addicted child money, knowingly that they will buy drugs, and could possibly die from an overdose. The same it is with our Heavenly Father, He won’t grant you any healing; because He knows, when you’re healthy, you will sin yet again. If this is the case, it will be fruitless for the Almighty to heal you, because sin would render your soul unworthy forever. You would be better off on your sick or death bed, where sin can be kept at bay and your soul could rendered worthy. Your bed of thorns is your blessing in disguise in the above scenario.

    The spiritual mentor must explain to the terminally ill what should be done before full healing can commence, before beseeching God on their behalf? If the very ill indicates, or acknowledges that they will be unable to hold true to their promises, without making a covenant with the Almighty because of their sinful demeanour, the mentor must explain the consequences of playing with Gods grace, and what must be done after this hurdle, and if a covenant with God will be their last and only lifeline? The prayers of the spiritual mentor will never be in vain. It is the sinful subject that is prohibiting God from healing them fully. Habitual sinners, who make empty promises fully knowing they will sin yet again after being healed, will instantly jeopardize their chances of ever being healed. It’s up to those who want to be healed to seek God’s favour first. It’s like a person wanting forgiveness, but in order to obtain forgiveness; he gives to those in needs first, in an attempt to steal and soften the heart of the Father and to regain His good favour. This proves that they are genuinely sincere and a worthy candidate for forgiveness. The weak must say; “Father I am weak and cannot rely on myself to make good with my promises to abstain from sin. I am forced to make a covenant with you. I will force my weak self naturally and spiritually, to follow through with all my promises at all cost. It can only be a good thing and an eternal blessing for my soul. This will be the best route forward for my soul. This will ensure that I will have no choice, but to force weak self to remain faithful come rain or snow. Please forgive my iniquities Dear Eternal Father!”

    Remember Abraham and Moses both made a covenant with God, and they remained blessed throughout their lives, because they truthfully kept their promises. If you are very sinful, then healing will only take place if you enter into a covenant with God, promising Him that you will abstain from drugs, alcohol, adultery, or whatever sins you know will prohibit your true healing. You can enter into a covenant with God Almighty by yourself, by making an oath and promising to abstain from all sin, if you feel you are naturally weak, and that you will not be able to keep your promises. You will therefore be forced to keep all that you’ve promised till your dying day. If you cannot win sin in the flesh if and when you are healed, you will never be healed. It is then that you must wisely and intelligently enter into a covenant with the Almighty, promising that you will definitely change when He heals you! If you enter into a covenant then this will be eternally binding on your conscience. You have to stare this promise in the face every second of each day. Not many of us get a second opportunity in life, but if you turn around and say, “Father, I cannot promise you in the flesh, because my flesh is weak, and I will only fail you in all that I have promised, so I am forcing my soul to make an oath. I will repent and follow through with what I have promised, please heal me Eternal Father.” To lie under oath means that damnation will be your eternal reward which no one wants, therefore you will be forced to keep every promise you have professed till your dying day!

    This is also what the spiritual mentor must additionally communicate to the sick after the first unsuccessful prayer for healing; “My friend, my brother, why didn’t you rise from your sickbed. God knows that to heal you, would be to give you permission to sin again! You will only sin again!” The spiritual mentor should never give up hope. He must as a last resort encourage the habitual sinner, to enter into an eternal covenant with God, so that it will be possible for them to rise from their sickbeds, and so become a blessing and a benefit to all mankind till their dying day. The sick must market themselves humbly, sincerely and truthfully, so that it will be possible to obtain the necessary healing. It’s not intelligent to make an oath it is spiritually wise. He demands a stronger commitment in the form of an oath!

    There can be no spiritual progress until we have looked intently at things and perceived them as they really are. Walls cannot be rebuilt until we see and see clearly the ruins in which the lie. His way is not to save us from it, but to save us in it. Only when we learn to accept this fact will we be unbeatable and unbreakable. When we do what is right then we can safely leave all the consequences with our Lord. And what greater strength is there than joy? And what greater joy is there than the joy of sins forgiven? We can live for God’s glory only when we live in this kind of joy. When we truly repent of our sins, the forgiveness and healing that God gives will be absolute and eternal. For reading meditation Nehemiah chapter 10.

    Voting To Instantly Lose Your Soul
    At present, human societies are governed by leaders that are spiritually blind. When implementing the government laws, they fail to see the spiritual implications it might have on all religious sectors of their respective societies, be it Hindu, Moslem or Christians etc. The laws imposed by government, is not supposed to infringe upon the religious rights of its citizens. Should this be the case, then all its religious citizens must instantly refrain from voting in any government elections? In order for any government to serve the masses constructively, the laws of its constitution must be altered, and designed to become religiously sound. The laws of any government must make provision for the principles and beliefs of its citizens. This would mean that all its religious citizens would be able to vote more comfortably, and without jeopardizing their soul salvation.
    It is my view that people who don’t understand their faith, and who do vote, endanger their soul salvation instantly. They do not realize the implications their “innocent” decision to vote, will hold for them spiritually. At the present moment most governments does not constitutionally guarantee that its citizens ‘soul salvation’ will be protected when they do vote. One must understand that your decision to vote is a very serious matter when you are truly religious. Your vote means that you are totally in agreement with your government’s laws and principles. It is the duty of every human being to understand his or her constitutional position with God and to act accordingly. The laws laid down by God must be respected and vehemently defended if need be. One cannot overlook the simplest of evil, just because government is allowing it, and assume that God will now also accommodate it. Every religion is against homosexuality; prostitution and same sex marriages. It’s a common fact that the Almighty doesn’t condone homosexuality, prostitution or other lesser atrocities. Most governments allow gender operations that enable a man to change into a woman, and visa versa. These governments allow doctors to change what God has created as perfect. I have the greatest respect for all Arab countries especially the Moslem religion, for their stance against all evils, and the laws that they impose, to protect their respective societies from them. Most governments have given the offenders of the above atrocities, the full protection of the law. These evildoers are allowed to commit their respective atrocities in the open. They additionally are protected as victims by the law. In the olden times offenders who committed similar atrocities, were immediately stoned to death to rid their respective societies of them. The stoning was done to avoid further contamination, and to seek the favor of the Almighty. It was also done to bear living testimony of their beliefs. We experience in our time, that certain Christian denominations intend appointing gay bishops, priests and additionally allow same sex marriages. Some churches that condemn immorality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children in the past. I tell you the truth; those who do, will defile their followers and will make them unworthy at the time of judgment. Governments who have given there blessing concerning the above, have brought chaos upon the earth. They have no respect for God’s principles. Religious citizens cannot vote freely because it would be like flushing your soul salvation down the drain.
    Righteous Christians are aware that God doesn’t condone the above, nor can one beseech His Holy blessing concerning these above matters. If this were the case, then God’s kingdom would have been infiltrated by corruption. I tell you the truth, if these atrocities are accepted by Christians of our time; we might as well revert back to the time of Moses, and openly serve idols again. All religions that accommodate these evils are making an open mockery of Gods laws. God will prove to them on the day of the first resurrection, that He will also make an eternal mockery of them. Declaring these atrocities spiritually legitimate, will instantly defile your soul, and make you unworthy at the time of judgment. To think God has not changed His laws, but man has done this on His behalf. The laws of governments, who are openly shielding such atrocities, are inviting the wrath of God upon their respective nations globally. The righteous need not fear, for God promised that in the time of reckoning, they shall thrive like a green leaf. I personally beseeched Gods Holy forgiveness for my family and me, because I am unable to change the laws of government in my personal capacity. I vehemently refuse to be eternally damned, by voting for any government that does not hide their disrespect towards our creator. In our times things have changed because many governments protect these evil doers. If you throw a stone in the direction of these offenders, you will be sent to prison. Ask yourself as a voter, “Does God agree with granting full protection to those who violates His laws, such as describe above? Can we as Christians ask God’s Holy blessing concerning the above, before we go voting for our respective parties?” If you vote, you are automatically in agreement with that which is underwritten within the constitution by your government. Remember the party that you vote for cannot grant you eternal life, but God will. Do not offend Him by voting for a government that shield atrocities, and additionally endanger your soul salvation in the process instantly! God has given one key for us all to unlock the door to eternity, and that is the key of truth. All Christians should vehemently oppose everything else that fall outside the border of His laws. They can only originate from the throne of darkness. If you are one of those that have offended your God, by voting for a government that shield atrocities that He detests, you must seriously ask the Lord for His forgiveness immediately.
    If you want to make a simple atonement before God, then give something special to those in need. Remember if you are genuinely remorseful, atonement proves to God Almighty, your seriousness in getting your life on par with Him. If these offenders are not naturally held accountable, and additionally are enjoying the full protection of the law, they certainly will never be made aware of the spiritual implications, this will hold for them and us as a nation on the day of the first resurrection. Anything other than the truth cannot make you whole. You cannot be in agreement with that which God detests as sinful. Your vote will instantly defile you, because you have agreed to values that go against your religious beliefs. To tolerate homosexuality, prostitution and same sex marriages, makes you an accessory to those sins in the eyes of God. The Heavenly Father cannot find you worthy if you do not defend his principles. “Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men will inherit God’s kingdom.” (1 Corinthians 6; 9, 10). No political system can succeed unless it is rooted in spiritual values. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people”, (Prov. 14:34). Remember by voting you indicate that you accept, and are in absolute agreement with what is underwritten by your government’s constitution. Read the fine print, because it could curtail your soul salvation forever!
    Those who are entrusted to lead should always be ready to assess their own leadership style, and to continue to develop their ability to lead. In line with Christian understanding, they should respect the religious views of all persons. They should not deprecate other cultures customs and practices. Rather in their encounters with others,
    they should exercise due respect. (Note: When finish reading this article, apply Luke 22 verse 32 wherever you go.)

    Accountable For Sin After Death

    If you leave large sums of monies as an inheritance for your dearest family members, fully knowing that they are drug addicts or sinful in the worst degree, you will be accountable for some of their sins long after you’ve gone.
    It’s a proven medical fact that smoking, drugs and alcohol kills and shortens your lifespan considerably. It additionally breaks up homes and leaves our little ones to suffer dismally. Technically you’ll be linked indirectly to your family member’s evil habits, for however long the monies you left them, sustains their vile habits. Remember that whilst living you have been aware of the extent of the ‘sinful abuse’ of most of your family members, yet you neglected and added to their demise, by providing funds that would sustain their vile habits long after you’ve gone. The monies that you intend leaving behind in the above scenario will cause irreparable psychological and physical damage. Your addicted family members will mostly use their ‘inheritances’ to buy drugs, alcohol or both. It’s like setting a time bomb, but when you’re gone it explodes kills and mains many in its path. Who must be held accountable for the deaths caused by this bomb? Naturally the FBI will trace the offenders and bring them to justice. Spiritually you would be leaving behind a similar time bomb behind; if you have been fully aware the monies you intend leaving as inheritance will definitely fund any of your family member’s addictive habits. Yes, you will be traced by God Almighty Himself and be brought to book. You cannot claim that because you’re dead, you should no longer be held accountable? Remember you set the time bomb whilst you were alive. Now that you’re gone many lives will be destroyed, not to mention the suffering your poor grandchildren will be exposed to as a result of your neglect. You must ask yourself who is to blame, and if you could have prevented this! The answer is you, because you knew! You set the time bomb whilst alive. Being dead is no excuse to escape punishment, when ‘your bomb’ kills and maims those in its path. It would have been more comforting for your soul if you left your inheritance to a charity of your choice.
    You knew in advance what the consequences of your actions would bring; yet you went ahead and did the wrong thing? Do you think that because you lived righteously before the time of your passing, that you will be going to heaven? I don’t think so. You will remain a ‘wandering’ soul, all because your family’s sinful dealings with ‘your monies’ will keep you indirectly earthbound! Your soul will not be able to move on to embrace its much deserved happiness, because you still have ‘earthly chains’ indirectly tying you down? You have chained yourself to it whilst you were alive. You owe it to yourself to ‘spiritually ’dismantle yourself from anything sinful, that could imprison your soul forever in advance before moving on. This you must forcefully do this to avoid keeping your soul earthbound. If you don’t do this, your soul will be drawn like a magnet back to the sin it has left unattended here on this earth. If your family members are living sinfully off your funds for more than thirty years for example, your soul will wander just as long naked in the beyond for that same period. You will never be able to obtain any forgiveness, for the ‘accumulated’ sin for that same period of time additionally. Your soul will remain in bondage; because it will be impossible for it to move on and embrace your well-deserved spiritual happiness.
    You will be tied down by your family’s sinful habits here on mother earth, for the same period that your monies sustain their sins. Their sins will unavoidably become your sins unnecessary. I don’t condone smoking and drinking, because it is detrimental for the body and soul. The latter keeps you additionally out of church, and causes your soul to suffer immensely, spiritually. I am not a favorite in my family, because I vehemently refuse to give even as much as a single cent to anyone of them that smoke or drink. I refuse to lend them any monies, because I would naturally accept they would use some of it to sustain their evil habits. Should they die from an overdose for e.g., then God will hold me instantly accountable. I will be solely to blame because I provided those funds. I undeniably knew they were using drugs or alcohol, and that they stand a good chance of dying from an overdose as a result! The blood of my very own will be on my hands forever. The constitutional law states that if you kill someone using someone else’s gun, then the owner of that gun will also be charged with culpable homicide, because his weapon was used in the murder. My family members cannot say that I am nasty, because I have made it my soul duty, to warn them well in advance concerning the dangers of using drugs and abusing alcohol. I have urged them to abstain from taking drugs, drinking alcohol or even smoking cigarettes. I have also set aside some of my precious time to sit them down individually to explain my reasons. I pointed out the various dangers to them, and warned that I don’t want any of their sins ‘tying’ my soul down when I leave this world. I explained that it would be unfair of them to indirectly enslave my soul, and to keep it earthbound because of their destructive behaviors. I informed them that I would instantly disinherit them if they were found to be addicted to any harmful substances. I have also added a clause in my will which forces all my family members to go for a dope and alcohol test prior to claiming their inheritances. If they fail the first test, then they must go for a similar test after five years, to see whether they would qualify for their inheritances a second time around. If they fail yet again, they must return after another five years have elapsed for one final dope and alcohol test. If after this they are tested positive for any harmful substances, their share of the inheritance will then be given to a charity of my choice. This will mean that I have lost all hope even in the beyond, that they would be changing their evil ways of living.
    It is better to ensure that the monies you intend leaving behind will go towards food and a roof over the heads of your loved ones. Even here you need to be extra careful. When the ‘food’ and the ‘roof over their heads’ are catered for, they might freely indulge in ‘drugs’ and alcohol, because there will be no need to worry about those necessities at all. It would be better if they were allowed to work to sustain their own families. They might appreciate the value of what has been earned the hard way. It is better to put pressure very early on family members that are addicts, so that they will have to take monies from their own pockets to feed themselves. This could mean that the monies you intend leaving for them might be squandered on drugs and alcohol, should they be abusing harmful substances. If you are going to leave large sums of money behind, have your heirs sign an indemnity form, wherein there is a clause that stipulates that your heirs will be forced to make an oath before you and God, promising that they will never use their inheritance to purchase drugs, cigarettes or alcohol etc. You may ask a church official or your lawyer to be present as witnesses before God, when this is done. If after signing this indemnity form, your family member still indulges in detrimental substances using monies you gave them; your soul will not be held accountable and will not be unnecessarily earthbound. You will be rendered blameless, because they have lied under oath before God, who will not fail to hold them accountable. Please do not misinterpret this article. No one after death is attached indirectly to any earthly wealth, because they cannot take with them the riches that they have accumulated here on this earth. Should you know that the assets you are going to leave behind will inevitably have natural and spiritual implications on the well being of the souls of your descendants, God will hold you accountable for putting His fold in instant jeopardy. No one in their right frame of mind will leave poison water behind for his own family to drink after they have left this earth. Sooner or later your family members will have to thirst, and will be forced to drink some of the poison water you knowingly left behind. Additionally this will be on your ‘spiritual conscience’ forever. This will be your endless worry in the beyond. You will contribute to a family member’s suicide, if you leave them large sums of monies, when you knew before hand they will definitely self-destruct because of their addictive nature.
    When you appear before God you cannot be judged immediately for all your sins. The outstanding balance of your indirect sins will only be due when the very last pennies of your monies have been sinfully wasted. This could take years or even decades. Your soul will remain earthbound, miserable, naked and cold unnecessary for decades, and you should only blame yourself!
    A Word of Wisdom. It is important to become spiritually and mentally self supportive, to stand firm, knowing that from within yourself comes your own support, and also all the light you need to show the way along your own lives journey, gives you a feeling of absolute confidence and security.

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