About the Author of Mathematical Devotionals
Dale K. Hathaway the author of Mathematical Devotionals has been a faculty member, department chair, and recently selected as the Associate Dean for the Martin D. Walker School of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois since 1989. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Boston University. Mathematically, he has a passion for finding and presenting “Birthday Problem” connections and, as a Christian, he loves finding ways to connect his profession with his faith.
Mathematicians, scientists, and folks intrigued by the wonders of the physical universe and the human spirit may be blessed by walking along with Professor Dale Hathaway throughout a year—-especially if they have been charged from on high to integrate their faith with their teaching. Each pithy offering combines a mathematical insight, a life thought, and a graphical image into a holistic veritable balm of Gilead homily for each new day.
─Andrew Simoson, Professor of Mathematics, King University
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