Jason Coache is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Toms River, New Jersey. He attended Taylor University before transferring and graduating from Cairn University. He has a Master’s degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Currently, he’s serving the church planting efforts for Converge Mid-Atlantic. He’s a part-time missionary for Converge Brazil, also serving their church planting efforts. He’s married to the amazing Ava Coache. Together they have three kids: Landon, Brady, and Reagan.
“In a culture that highly values success, we can mistakenly adopt worldly
perspectives and measures for success.”
“Too often, we have traded what is really important to follow
the dream of success the way the world defines its.“
When you cross the finish line of life, don’t we all hope God will see our lives as successful? To do this, you need to live the kind of life God deems successful.
This book will…
– Biblically define success.
– Give godly metrics to success.
– Paint a different picture than the modern world of success.
– Share results you can expect as you as God expects.
Specific ingredients produce specific results. By the end, you will have the right ingredients to produce results that actually matter. So join me, fellow student, as we learn together what true success looks like. When we cross that final finish line, will you hear “Well done good and faithful servant”?
Jason Coache is the Lead Pastor of Wellspring Church in Toms River, New Jersey. He attended Taylor University before transferring and graduating from Cairn University. He has a Master’s degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Currently, he’s serving the church planting efforts for Converge Mid-Atlantic. He’s a part-time missionary for Converge Brazil, also serving their church planting efforts. He's married to the amazing Ava Coache. Together they have three kids: Landon, Brady, and Reagan.
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